Friday, March 6, 2009

Fake Right, Break Left

There was the swimming carnival today, so for PE, instead of swimming, we chose to do volley ball, table tennis, or basketball. I played table tennis with Jelly, Amy, Xue Jin and Andrew for a bit, then Karen and Jocelyn came so we stopped and went off to play basket ball, keke.

Basketball was so-o FUN! Jia Yi, Julia, and Shadia [spelling? correct me if you can] and Jelly are SO-O PRO! Makes me look so bad, hehe. I kept missing when I shot >.<" I am terrible at sport, hehe...oh well (: Its awesome.

I turned in my late english assignment. I got my sister to read it in the car on the way to school, and she was like.."O.o....what the..." hahahah =D

I got my SOSE Australian Culture report results back. Level 4 well developed. Nice xD I was expecting a level 3 or something.

Had music uniform fittings today...*sigh* waste of money.




  1. was "andrew", andrew dinata?

  2. lol no, it was andrew cheng ;D
    sorry if i disappointed you LOL
