antidisestablishmentarianism: a long word
bilby: the name of an awesome chick
cupcake: a muffin with icing, a sometimes food
diary: a book which one writes in own thoughts and to be kept to ones' self
eraser: a stationery equipment to remove pencil markings. [not to be confused with rubber]
facebook: device used to distact people from homework, often used for procrastinating
google: the smartest guy on the internet
hoodies: the cooler version of a jacket
ice skating: cause of many scars
jesus: the awesomest guy ever
kilograms: units of which i need to lose
laptop: well loved piece of crap
msn: another method for procrastination, good pass time
nakatsu: cute guy :)
osaka high: the school nakatsu went to, filled with hot guys
photo: a moment captured with a camera
quad: piece of grass where we sit on
rubbish: a second layer of carpet in my bedroom
society and environment: nap time
TEE: is a frightening thought
utopia: best bubble tea and KTV
violet: a fancy word for purple
water: a liquid which tastes good, looks good, feels good
xylophone: is not a glockenspiel
yellow: a shade of which teeth should not be
zi: pon's one love
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