Thursday, June 4, 2009



Firstly, I would like to mention the pro~ness of our circle making.
*extremely retarded and demunted* :)

We made warm-fuzzies bags ^^ kekeke, so cute :)

Low Ropes course was waaaay fun :D hehehe, some were epic fails, others were easy, but most were just super awesome for an unknown reason :P

During this, I am pretty sure everyone there got that little bit closer, in relationships, as we all learnt to trust each other. Words of encouragement kept flooding out endlessly. No one fell to the ground - at least one person always got their back, never failing. This bond was created. I didn't even know most of the people in my group, but in just a short amount of time, it was like I had known them for years.It was really amazing xD I didn't know that there were such good people at rossmoyne.

As I was doing the very last rope activity where you walk across a single thin rope holding only on a loose piece of rope hanging from one of the trees above, I was unsteady.

You can do it, Dorothy!
You're going great!
Hey, I've got you!
Don't worry, I'll catch you!
Be careful!
Almost there!
I know you can do it!
Dorothy, just a little further!
At the slightest slip, we all helped eachother back up on the rope to continue.
We are all so tight now! It was sooo awesome xD These people are truly great leaders. All the way down to their core.

Later on, we learnt a bit more about diff types of leaders. According to Ruby, I am a charismatic leader >____> pfft chyeah right.

We played a really stupid game. I won't talk about it.

During the breaks, we had formed out own little asian group :)
Xue Jin was trapped in a straight jacket~ish thing.
Andrew was attacking millipedes everywhere.
Ruby was getting eaten by an ant.
Jing got a new little brother [jin]
..HAHAHA, Jing and Jin swapped name tags. And when Jing was in the toilets, her tag [saying Xue Jin] fell off. So in the girls toilets, his name tag is there somewhere. LOL
Shannen was going higggh xD LOL teasing Jing about heaps of guys haha..

We then played initiative games. They were really interesting, and puzzling. Made us really think xD We had to do knots, undo knots etc. without letting go of the ropes. *superglued* hehe, was super hard, but super fun. Other games too, but I am way too tired to type anymore. hahaha xD

Oh yes, and Sheridan, I brought that piece of paper with me ;D

So excited for tomorrow :)

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