Sunday, July 26, 2009

things i love about going to the movies;

- mispronouncing the movie's title when buying my ticket
- arguing with others about which bag of lollies to buy
- not buying any lollies at all in the end
- buying a massive bucket of popcorn which obviously cannot be finished
- eating one third of the popcorn during the advertisements
- watching the advertistment where there is a picture of popcorn, drink, and choc top, saying "You know you want it" and laughing, coz you beat them to it
- the sound being really loud, even though you get used to it in about two minutes
- crying when things really aren't that emotional, and sitting like its nothing when the sad part is coming.
- when the lights go back on and you laugh when you see that the person next to you's face is all red
- standing up, and noticing popcorn fall off your lap
- you turn around and see popcorn on your seat - how did that even get there?
- you turn back around and knock the bucket of popcorn all over the floor. [woops]
- looking at the cleaner person who is glaring at that moment. i have no idea why.
- on the ride home, complaining about the bad parts; aww~ing at the emotional parts, and laughing and the really retarded unneccessary parts.

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